R3M has been the leading firm in Hurricane Recovery, Permanent Restoration, and Hazard Mitigation of major wastewater pumping and treatment facilities within the State of New Jersey.
R3M Engineering has knowledge and experience working with state and federal governmental agencies alongside our clients to coordinate the rapid restoration of storm damaged elements of wastewater and water systems, and to secure funding for restore and protect critical components and facilities.
We have worked closely with FEMA agents and representatives to develop damage assessments, emergency response measures, permanent restoration project worksheets and hazard mitigation plans intended to protect the restored facilities from future damage.
We have assisted clients with FEMA Public Assistance Funding for restoration work and FEMA 406 Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) Funding. Our successful experience coordinating the unique requirements of the Statewide Assistance Infrastructure Loan (SAIL) Program funding through the New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust (NJEIT) provided short term financing of these restoration and mitigation activities while FEMA payments are reviewed and processed.
We helped our clients secure over $137 million in SAIL program funding and are currently working on an additional $16 million in additional scopes for FEMA mitigation funding.
Our experience with FEMA and NJEIT for Sandy Restoration and Mitigation has provided a unique understanding of the administrative and financial requirements of these two critical funding sources for critical utilities impacted by significant storm damage.